It would be easy to make a joke about the similarity between the Twin Eredars and the Twin Emperors. It would even be easy to post a picture of the AQ40 kill and have a good laugh. But will we make those mistakes? No! Because they are lame.
Congratulations to Moothora on the [item]Stanchion of Primal Instinct[/item], Uki on the [item]Erupting Epaulets[/item], Lyrocela on the [item]Spaulders of the Thalassian Defender[/item], Tegal on the [item]Amulet of Unfettered Magics[/item], Nomepunter on the [item]Onslaught Wristguards[/item] and Wafflesauce on the [item]Sin'dorei Pendant of Conquest[/item]. Well done to everyone involved, and thank you to all of the old raiders who stuck around through the process of rebuilding when summer hit.
PS: Twin Emperedars. It's the only way to go.
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