
Posted on 08/24/2008 by Nomepunter

How hard is M'uru?

After conquering the retardation, attendance, and disconnect phases of this fight we went and killed a giant floaty thing with a retarded apostrophe and then a big voidwalker with wings, because you can't spell 'epic fight' without 'level 10 warlock summon'.

Thanks to everyone who came and slogged through this fight with us, and special thanks to people who'd worked on this boss with us for weeks but weren't present for the kill. Loot was a [item]Muramasa[/item] to Cashenin, [item]Glimmering Naaru Sliver[/item] to Gudzilla, [item]Aegis of Angelic Fortune[/item] to Orangecure, and a [item]Sin'dorei Band of Triumph[/item] to Nomepunter.

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