
Posted on 05/07/2008 by Shadowflame

Madrigosa has been cleansed of the evil taint of Brutallus's blood. The corrupted dragon Felmyst has been met with the final throes of death! Never fear though, with the mighty healing power of Imaril what more can you expect!? Those enhance skills really relate well to healing you know! Nomepunter walked away with a pair of [item]Onslaught Treads[/item], Valersicen is sporting his shiny new [item]Boots of Absolution[/item], Delurs is stumping around in a new pair of [item]Thunderheart Boots[/item], and Tegal joined the ranks of staff wielders with a [item]Grand Magister's Staff of Torrents[/item]. Onward to the First Gate!  The Twins beware...

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