Broodlord Down
Written by Stingray
Angry got a bit upset with the Broodlord tonight:

Clearly the Broodlord wasn't quite as angry as Angry, as he was kind enough to drop a pair of [Boots of Transcendence] (Animosity), a pair of [Netherwind Boots] (Neshnu), and [Bracers of Arcane Accuracy] (Stingray).
Vaelastrasz Down
Written by Stingray
Angry made progress in Blackwing Lair tonight, taking down Vaelastrasz the Corrupt:

Loot was two [Stormrage Belt], going to Cerise and Delurs, and a [Helm of Endless Rage] that went to Eenak. Grats to everyone who made it possible. On to Broodlord Lashlayer...
Kazzak Down
Written by Stingray
It took long enough, primarily due to lack of opportunity, but we finally got our first kill of Lord Kazzak in a crazy 5+ hour joint Angry/Backrage raid tonight:

In the end it came down to the Angry and Backrage crew (along with some pickups at the end) simply outlasting other horde raids, and more importantly, an alliance raid (consisting of Saga, Warpath, and others) 5:30AM all other horde were gone and there weren't enough alliance left to stop us from finally getting the kill. Angry's loot was [The Eye of Shadow] for Demyse, allowing him to complete his epic priest quest staff.
Ragnaros Down
Written by Stingray
Well, the third try wasn't quite the charm, but tonight we fielded our guild's fourth Ragnaros raid, and the screenshot speaks for itself:

An [Onslaught Girdle] went to Nogster, [Bloodfang Pants] to Apollyon, [Dragonstalker's Legguards] to Huntessa, and [Essence of the Pure Flame] to Splug. Grats and thanks to everyone in the guild for making it possible.
2013 update: Sythran's video of our adventures in Molten Core up until Ragnaros is here.
Razorgore Down
Written by Stingray
While biding our time, awaiting our next shot at Ragnaros, we took a trip to Blackwing Lair tonight and recorded a "first kill" of a different sort. After throwing out our old strategies and starting from scratch, we spawned Razorgore (first time for us) on our third try, and went ahead and killed him on that same spawn...

Jigfrog received a [Mantle of the Blackwing Cabal] and [Netherwind Bindings], while Fearbadger received [Nemesis Bracers]. GG to all.
New Forum & Our First Legendary Item
Written by Stingray
We've created a new recruiting forum for the posting of applications and related topics. Please keep these type of posts to the recruiting forum, and read the sticky post in that forum before posting.
Angry has had a fairly busy weekend during which we teamed up with Backrage for our second kill of the outdoor raid boss Azuregos, as well as receiving our first legendary item:

Splug received the bindings, which are part of the quest to create [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]. The Azuregos kill netted a [Drape of Benediction] for Rhilibren, and an [Unmelting Ice Girdle] for Gruk.
Another Epic Quest Completion
Written by Stingray
After several hours of some large-scale farming in Winterspring, Animosity became our first priest to complete the priest epic quest tonight:

Huntessa wins
Written by Stingray
Onyxia was kind enough to drop some [Mature Black Dragon Sinew] tonight, enabling Huntessa to finish the hunter epic quest:

Angry solos MC (well, almost...)
Written by Stingray
Friday night, Angry tested out its first "solo" run of Molten Core (there were actually 4 members of Darkside present in addition to the 36 Angry members who were able to attend...close enough). The raid went quite well considering we had several people new to MC along with us, and we easily cleared through Golemagg. Unfortunately, Majordomo was out of reach as we do not have enough mages on our roster for that fight...yet.

Majordomo Down
Written by Stingray
Majordomo fell to Angry and Backrage for the first time tonight, and we finally got our first look at Ragnaros. Apparently he has been made a lot tougher in the most recent patch. We made a couple probing attempts at him, and it seems it might take a bit longer to take him down than it's taken us to conquer the rest of Molten Core.