Professor Putricide
Written by Stingray
Good news everyone?
Good news everyone?
We essentially finished up Heroic TotC25 tonight with completion of the Tribute to Insanity achievement. Amazing work everyone (including those who couldn't fit into the raid for Anub'arak) on getting this out of the way so quickly. Looking forward to Icecrown Citadel.
Heroic TotC25 cleared tonight, with the death of Anub'arak. Great work all.
The Twin Val'kyr were taken down tonight in Heroic TotC25. Only Anub'arak left now, although he appears to be quite an obstacle.
A couple more bosses down in Heroic TotC25. These guys weren't nearly as tough as the Two Jormungars, but that's to be expected.
Not one, but two Jormungars were dispatched tonight in the first boss fight of Heroic TotC25. A magnataur and yeti also added to the seriousness of the situation.
Ulduar was finished up for good tonight as we completed the last noteworthy achievement remaining, Alone in the Darkness in 25-man. Great work everyone on this extremely annoying fight.
The final boss of Ulduar, Algalon, was taken out in 25-man tonight. Great work everyone. Loot was a [Bulwark of Algalon] to Lyrone, [Pharos Gloves] and [Starshard Edge] to Stingray, and the quest item [Reply-Code Alpha] to Delurs.
Algalon was killed in 10-man Ulduar tonight. No kill picture, maybe we'll remember to take one of those when we kill him in 25...
Mimiron's hard mode taken down tonight, which also completed our 25-man Glory of the Ulduar Raider achievement. Delurs got our hard mode loot, [Conductive Seal], and most of the rest of the guild got Ironbound Proto-Drakes.