Ahn'Qiraj opens on Illidan, contest prize winners

Posted on 02/21/2006 by Stingray

On Monday, the gates of Ahn'Qiraj were finally opened on Illidan, and Angry was busy most of the night working on the new Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (AQ40) and Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (AQ20) zones. In AQ40, we took down The Prophet Skeram and the Vem/Princess Yauj/Lord Kri trio on the first night. Afterwards, in a quick AQ20 run we took down the first two bosses, Kurinnaxx and General Rajaxx. Nothing too special on the first night, loot-wise, in fact probably our best items so far were all blues (new skill books in AQ20 and the Enchant Gloves - Fire Power formula off of Skeram, which went to Dogfood).

We've also drawn the winners for our prizes in our AQ contest. Our three winners are Larsf (winner of the Bars category), Molkor (winner of the Herbs category), and Sajuukcor (winner of the Skins category). Complete information about the drawing and contest winnings are in our public forums.

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